The St. Bonaventure Board of Trustees is the governing body of the university.
Board members are appointed up to three-year terms. The university president and a designee from the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe serve as voting ex-officio Trustees.
The Board of Trustees oversees the general supervision of the business and affairs of the university and meets four times per year.
Michael Hickey, '84 Board Chair
Steven G. Barry, '88 Board Vice Chair
Carol A. Schumacher, '78 Board Vice Chair
Daniel Horan, Ph.D., '05 Board Secretary
Michael A. Anderson, '77
Norbert "Norb" Bennett, '62
Luke H. Brown, '89
Pikai Chiang, '84
Fr. Larry Ford, O.F.M.
Michael Fossaceca, '88
Mark Gianniny
Jeff Gingerich
Gerry Helper, '79
Fr. Linh N. Hoang, O.F.M.
Laurie Krupa, '82
Molly Kulesz-Martin, '71
Sr. Margaret Magee, O.S.F.
Kristan McMahon, '97
Mark Murphy, '91
Susanna Stitt, '99
Hon. James T. Walsh, '70
Kevin Watkins, M.D.
Robert J. Daugherty, '77
John R. McGinley Jr., Esq., '65
Leslie C. Quick III, '75
John D. Sheehan, '82 Board Chair